Join us for an evening of music, stories and prayer!

Get ready to give thanks as the fantastic New Life Church worship team supports us in song, prayer and music at our Annual Celebration in September! 

We can’t wait to get together in gratitude for another incredible year of transforming lives in Derby:

Derby City Mission Annual Celebration

When: Sunday 22nd September 6.30pm - 9pm

Where: New Life Church, Normanton, Derby, DE23 6UU

(Free parking at Grove Street Car Park or on the street)

As well as uplifting live music from the talented New Life Church worship team, you can look forward to an inspiring evening of stories, news and prayer!

Book your place and enjoy: 

·       Meeting and chatting with the DCM team and volunteers.

·       A complimentary copy of our newly published Annual Report!

·       Coffee, tea and cake with other supporters and church leaders.

·       Helping us to thank our 110+ volunteers who make all of this possible.

·       News, future plans and real-life accounts of how we are changing lives in Derby.




Elle Warrener-Davis, Managing Director

“We don’t give up on people even when their own despair and trauma means they’ve given up on themselves. And what is the reason? It’s not what, it’s ‘who.’ The motivation as we continue 35 years on is because of who God is and the work He has given each of us to do. As 1 John 4:19 tells us ‘We love, because God first loved us.' We want to honour all the people who make this extraordinary work possible and tell the stories of people we are helping. I hope to see you there!”